Locks and Keys

A good lock and a key that fit

We do an extensive amount of lock keying and key copying work that we consider the business of helping protect your belongings one of our premier service areas.

We have an extensive key blank inventory of over 6,000 key blanks in over 160 types.

Many people go to drug stores or other places that don’t cut keys as a specialty, so they end up handing the customer a key that doesn’t work. That’s how they end up with us, often saying they’ve been to three or four places and can’t seem to get a key that will work properly. We can almost always do it right.

Most of us have two locks on our doors – a regular one and a deadbolt. We offer the service of adjusting the locks so one key will fit both, thus saving much time fiddling for keys at the front door.

Most of us seem reluctant to do a little of our own handy work and install a lock in our own front or back door. If you’re going to install something like a deadbolt, it might involve drilling about a 2-inch hole in the door, and most people are afraid they’ll blow it and end up having to get a new door.

We’ll show you how to do it, step by step. One way to do it involves using the template included with the lock. Then, taping it onto the door in the proper place shows you exactly where to drill and how the lock will fit on the door.

It isn’t always necessary to buy a new setup – bring your lock in, and we can check it out first.